Ownership is a relation between NFT (Item) and a wallet (who owns the NFT)
You can find more information about the data model in the response section of respective API endpoint here.
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Ownership Id in format: '${blockchain}:${itemId}:${owner}' |
blockchain | enum | ETHEREUM, POLYGON, FLOW etc |
itemId | string | Item (NFT) id in format: '${blockchain}:${itemId}' |
contract | string | contract id in format: '${blockchain}:${address}' |
collection | string | collection id in format: '${blockchain}:${collectionId}' |
tokenId | string | token id if applicable (not all blockchains have token id) |
owner | union address | wallet address in Union format: '${blockchain}:${address}' |
value | string (BigInteger) | amount of items owned by the owner |
lazyValue | string (BigInteger) | amount of lazy items owned (creator owns lazy-minted items before they are sold) |
createdAt | string (date-time) | Date and time of ownership created (when owner started to own this NFT) |
lastUpdatedAt | string (date-time) | Date and time when Ownership was changed |
bestSellOrder | object (Order) | Cheapest listing Order |
bestBidOrder | object (Order) | Highest (most expensive) Bid for the NFT |
* Fields marked with bold are required