You can Mint NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.
Before start, install and configure Rarible SDK and required wallets.
Minting Multichain
Lazy Minting (off-chain)
Use mintOffChain
import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk"
import { toCollectionId, toUnionAddress } from "@rarible/types"
import type { BlockchainWallet } from "@rarible/sdk-wallet/src"
import { MintType } from "@rarible/sdk/build/types/nft/mint/domain"
async function mintOffChain(wallet: BlockchainWallet, contractAddress: string) {
const sdk = createRaribleSdk(wallet, "dev")
const mintAction = await{
collectionId: toCollectionId(contractAddress),
You should upload json file with item metadata in the following format:
name: string
description: string | undefined
image: string | undefined
"animation_url": string | undefined
"external_url": string | undefined
attributes: TokenMetadataAttribute[]
and insert link to json file to "uri" field.
To format your json data use "sdk.nft.preprocessMeta()" method
const mintResult = await mintAction.submit({
royalties: [{
account: toUnionAddress("<ROYLATY_ADDRESS>"),
value: 1000,
creators: [{
account: toUnionAddress("<CREATOR_ADDRESS>"),
value: 10000,
lazyMint: true,
supply: 1,
if (mintResult.type === MintType.OFF_CHAIN) {
return mintResult.itemId
— your collection address, that can be already deployed. Also, can be the address of Rarible Smart Contracts instance. You can find them on Contract Addresses pageContractAddress
— address of JSON file with "image", "name" and other NFT attributes. For example, on IPFS:
— value and address for receiving royaltiesaccount
— address in Union format${blockchainGroup}:${token}
. For example,TEZOS:tz1dKxdpV1hgErMTTKBorb8R5tSz8hFzPhKh
— value of the royalties. For example, 10% value is1000
— value and address of the creatoraccount
— address in Union format${blockchainGroup}:${token}
. For example,TEZOS:tz1dKxdpV1hgErMTTKBorb8R5tSz8hFzPhKh
— value of the part in the ownership of the item. For example, 100% value is10000
. If there are several owners, the total cost cannot be more than10000
— boolean,false
if you want to mint item on the blockchain,true
allow to you mint off-chain item without spending the gassupply
— number of NFTs to create (not in every case it is supported, you can check it by
response under multiple parameters)
Example of a successful response:
itemId: "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:55143609719300586327244080327388661151936544170854464635146779205246455382047";
type: "off-chain"
— Id of your NFT, has format${blockchain}:${token}:${tokenId}
. For example,ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:12345
Minting (on-chain)
Use mintOnChain
import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk"
import { toCollectionId, toUnionAddress } from "@rarible/types"
import type { BlockchainWallet } from "@rarible/sdk-wallet/src"
import { MintType } from "@rarible/sdk/build/types/nft/mint/domain"
async function mintOnChain(wallet: BlockchainWallet, contractAddress: string) {
const sdk = createRaribleSdk(wallet, "dev")
const mintAction = await{
collectionId: toCollectionId(contractAddress),
You should upload json file with item metadata in the following format:
name: string
description: string | undefined
image: string | undefined
"animation_url": string | undefined
"external_url": string | undefined
attributes: TokenMetadataAttribute[]
and insert link to json file to "uri" field.
To format your json data use "sdk.nft.preprocessMeta()" method
const mintResult = await mintAction.submit({
royalties: [{
account: toUnionAddress("<ROYLATY_ADDRESS>"),
value: 1000,
creators: [{
account: toUnionAddress("<CREATOR_ADDRESS>"),
value: 10000,
lazyMint: false,
supply: 1,
if (mintResult.type === MintType.ON_CHAIN) {
await mintResult.transaction.wait()
return mintResult.itemId
Minting with tokenId
Usually the tokenId
is generated automatically. If you need to get a tokenId
before, for example, you want to upload data to the IPFS, use mintOnChainWithTokenId
import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk"
import { toCollectionId, toUnionAddress } from "@rarible/types"
import type { BlockchainWallet } from "@rarible/sdk-wallet/src"
import { MintType } from "@rarible/sdk/build/types/nft/mint/domain"
async function mintOnChainWithTokenId(wallet: BlockchainWallet, contractAddress: string) {
const sdk = createRaribleSdk(wallet, "dev")
const collectionId = toCollectionId(contractAddress)
//Get tokenId for collection and mint
const tokenId = await sdk.nft.generateTokenId({
collection: collectionId,
minter: toUnionAddress("<CREATOR_ADDRESS>"),
const mintAction = await{
You should upload json file with item metadata with the following format:
name: string
description: string | undefined
image: string | undefined
"animation_url": string | undefined
"external_url": string | undefined
attributes: TokenMetadataAttribute[]
and insert link to json file to "uri" field.
To format your json data use "sdk.nft.preprocessMeta()" method
const mintResult = await mintAction.submit({
royalties: [{
account: toUnionAddress("<ROYLATY_ADDRESS>"),
value: 1000,
//optional, by default creator=minter
creators: [{
account: toUnionAddress("<CREATOR_ADDRESS>"),
value: 10000,
lazyMint: false,
supply: 1,
if (mintResult.type === MintType.ON_CHAIN) {
await mintResult.transaction.wait()
return mintResult.itemId
Checking created NFT
To check the created item:
Use the
API method??? note "getItemById"
Returns Item by ID. `{itemId}` **Example request (staging)** ```shell curl --request GET '' ``` Request parameters: * `itemId` — ItemID of your NFT, has format `${blockchain}:${token}:${tokenId}` For example, `ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:12345` **Example response (status 200)** ```json { "id": "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:19661880631107248865491477079747186145992059189823053172927066273904580362243", "blockchain": "ETHEREUM", "collection": "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82", "contract": "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82", "tokenId": "19661880631107248865491477079747186145992059189823053172927066273904580362243", "creators": [ { "account": "ETHEREUM:0x2b783ae5b5b8a7a822449c7d8b6f35f9abc827f5", "value": 10000 } ], "owners": [], "royalties": [], "lazySupply": "0", "pending": [], "mintedAt": "2022-03-09T22:48:33Z", "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-09T22:50:03.530Z", "supply": "1", "meta": { "name": "gbgbgbgbgbgb", "description": "", "attributes": [], "content": [ { "@type": "IMAGE", "url": "", "representation": "ORIGINAL", "mimeType": "image/jpeg", "size": 13311, "width": 640, "height": 640 } ], "restrictions": [] }, "deleted": false, "auctions": [], "totalStock": "0", "sellers": 0 } ```
Or check Etherscan for Ethereum and Polygon, Flowscan for Flow, or tezblock for Tezos.
You can find more information about Mint in Rarible Protocol SDK. Or you can use it as a regular async function and work with regular Promises.
Minting in specific blockchain networks
We recommend using the Multichain Protocol for minting tokens. But you can also make Mint on a specific blockchain network.
??? tip "Ethereum"
With Rarible Protocol Ethereum SDK, you can mint and lazy mint ERC-721 and ERC-1155 NFT tokens in the Ethereum network.
Minting is using the `mintAndTransfer` function for ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts.
For ERC-721, the function has the following signature:`mintAndTransfer(LibERC721LazyMint.Mint721Data memory data, address to)`.
struct Mint721Data {
uint tokenId;
string tokenURI;
address[] creators;
LibPart.Part[] royalties;
bytes[] signatures;
* **tokenId** — **tokenId** of the ERC-721 standard
* **tokenURI** — suffix for the token URI. The prefix is usually `ipfs://ipfs/`
* **creators** — an array of authors addresses
* **royalties** — royalty array
* **signatures** — array of signatures. Each creator must have a signature. The only exception is when the creator sends a Mint transaction.
For ERC-1155, the function has the following signature: `mintAndTransfer(LibERC1155LazyMint.Mint1155Data memory data, address to, uint256 _amount)`.
struct Mint1155Data {
uint tokenId;
string tokenURI;
uint supply;
address[] creators;
LibPart.Part[] royalties;
bytes[] signatures;
* **tokenId** — **tokenId** of the ERC-1155 standard
* **tokenURI** — suffix for the token URI. The prefix is usually `ipfs://ipfs/`
* **supply** — total number of tokens for minting
* **creators** — an array of authors addresses
* **royalties** — royalty array
* **signatures** — array of signatures. Each creator must have a signature. The only exception is when the creator sends a Mint transaction.
**Lazy Mint**
Lazy Minting is supported for ERC-721 and ERC-1155.
<figure markdown>
{ width="600" }
<figcaption>Lazy mint</figcaption>
To create Lazy Minting:
1. Generate a token ID
2. Create a Lazy Minting request body that the creator must sign
3. The creator signs the provided data
4. Add signature to the request body
5. Send the data to the API
For more information about Lazy Minting, see [SDK]( page.
??? tip "Flow"
With Rarible Protocol Flow SDK, you can mint Flow NFT tokens.
Mint response represents transaction result extended with `txId` and minted `tokenId`
const {
txId, // transaction id
tokenId, // minted tokenId
status, // flow transaction status
statusCode, // flow transaction statusCode - for example: value 4 for sealed transaction
events, // events generated from contract and include all events produced by transaction, deopsits withdrown etc.
} = await, "your meta info", [])
??? tip "Tezos"
With Rarible Protocol Tezos SDK, you can mint Tezos NFT tokens.
const result = await mint(
provider: Provider,
contract: string,
royalties : { [key: string]: BigNumber },
supply?: BigNumber,
token_id?: BigNumber,
metadata?: { [key: string]: string },
owner?: string,
See more information about usage Protocol SDK on