Get balance

You can transfer NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.

Before start, install and configure Rarible SDK and required wallets.

To get balance of your wallet, use getBalance function:

import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk"
import { toUnionAddress } from "@rarible/types"
import type { BlockchainWallet } from "@rarible/sdk-wallet/src"
import type { AssetType } from "@rarible/api-client"

async function getBalance(wallet: BlockchainWallet, assetType: AssetType) {
	const sdk = createRaribleSdk(wallet, "dev")
	const balance = await sdk.balances.getBalance(
	return balance

For getting balance from Polygon:

  • Matic

    const balance = await sdk.balances.getBalance(
      toUnionAddress("ETHEREUM:0xc8f35463Ea36aEE234fe7EFB86373A78BF37e2A1"), {
     "@type": "ETH",
     blockchain: Blockchain.POLYGON,
  • ERC20

    const balance = await sdk.balances.getBalance(
    toUnionAddress("ETHEREUM:0xc8f35463Ea36aEE234fe7EFB86373A78BF37e2A1"), {
    			"@type": "ERC20",
    			contract: toCollectionId("POLYGON:0xa6fa4fb5f76172d178d61b04b0ecd319c5d1c0aa"),