Create Collection

You can Create NFT Collection with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.

Before start, install and configure Rarible SDK and required wallets.

Create collection

Use createCollection function:

import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk"
import type { BlockchainWallet } from "@rarible/sdk-wallet/src"
import type { CreateCollectionRequest } from "@rarible/sdk/src/types/nft/deploy/domain"

async function createCollection(wallet: BlockchainWallet, collectionRequest: CreateCollectionRequest) {
	const sdk = createRaribleSdk(wallet, "dev")
	const result = await sdk.nft.createCollection(collectionRequest)
	await result.tx.wait()
	return result.address

Depending on blockchain type, in collectionRequest should pass the following parameters:


const ethereumRequest: CreateCollectionRequest = {
  blockchain: Blockchain.ETHEREUM,
  asset: {
    assetType: "ERC721",
    arguments: {
      name: "name",
      symbol: "RARI",
      baseURI: "",
      contractURI: "",
      isUserToken: false,


const tezosRequest: CreateCollectionRequest = {
  blockchain: Blockchain.TEZOS,
  asset: {
    assetType: "NFT",
    arguments: {
      name: "My NFT collection",
      symbol: "MYNFT",
      contractURI: "",
      isUserToken: false,
  • blockchain — blockchain type: ETHEREUM or TEZOS
  • assetType — NFT collection type: ERC721 or ERC1155 for ETHEREUM, NFT or MT for TEZOS
  • name — name of the collection
  • symbol — symbol of the collection
  • baseURI — prefix of the result of the tokenURI call
  • contractURI — URI meta of the entire collection
  • isUserToken — privat (true) or public (false) collection

Checking created collection

To check the created collection:

  • Use the getCollectionById API method

    ??? note "getCollectionById"

      Returns collection by address.
      **Example request (staging)**
      curl --request GET ''
      **Example response (status 200)**
          "total": 3,
          "continuation": "ETHEREUM:0x6ea0adbc173c7e8ca64c1ce881c1cfc161927876",
          "collections": [
                  "id": "ETHEREUM:0x6ea0adbc173c7e8ca64c1ce881c1cfc161927876",
                  "blockchain": "ETHEREUM",
                  "type": "ERC721",
                  "name": "CryptoKitties",
                  "symbol": "CK",
                  "features": [],
                  "minters": []
                  "id": "ETHEREUM:0xaf2584a8b198f5d0b360b95d92aec852f7902e52",
                  "blockchain": "ETHEREUM",
                  "type": "CRYPTO_PUNKS",
                  "name": "CRYPTOPUNKS",
                  "symbol": "(Ͼ)",
                  "owner": "ETHEREUM:0xfb571f9da71d1ac33e069571bf5c67fadcff18e4",
                  "features": [],
                  "minters": []
                  "id": "ETHEREUM:0xd0200fa0a9c94484c7152813313b122e31bed99d",
                  "blockchain": "ETHEREUM",
                  "type": "ERC721",
                  "name": "CryptoKitties",
                  "symbol": "CK",
                  "features": [],
                  "minters": []
  • Or check Etherscan for Ethereum and Polygon, Flowscan for Flow, or tezblock for Tezos.

See more information about usage Protocol SDK on