
You can burn NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.

Before start, install and configure Rarible SDK and required wallets.

Burn NFTs

Burning tokens is equivalent to sending them to address 0x0 because nobody has a private key for that.

Use burn function:

import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk"
import { toItemId, toUnionAddress } from "@rarible/types"
import type { BlockchainWallet } from "@rarible/sdk-wallet/src"

async function burn(wallet: BlockchainWallet) {
	const sdk = createRaribleSdk(wallet, "dev")

	const burnAction = await sdk.nft.burn({
		itemId: toItemId("<ITEM_ID>"),
	const burnTx = await burnAction.submit({
		amount: 1,
		creators: [{
			account: toUnionAddress("<CREATOR_ADDRESS>"),
			value: 10000,
	//transaction returned if item is on-chain
	if (burnTx) {
		await burnTx.wait()
  • itemId — Id of your NFT, has format ${blockchain}:${token}:${tokenId}. For example, ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:12345
  • amount — amount of NFT tokens
  • creators — value and address of the creator
    • account — address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token}. For example, TEZOS:tz1dKxdpV1hgErMTTKBorb8R5tSz8hFzPhKh
    • value — value of the part in the ownership of the item. For example, 100% value is 10000. If there are several owners, the total cost cannot be more than 10000

Checking burned NFT

To check the burned item:

  • Use the getItemById API method

    ??? note "getItemById"

      Returns Item by ID.
      **Example request (staging)**
      curl --request GET 'https://api-staging.rarible.org/v0.1/items/ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:19661880631107248865491477079747186145992059189823053172927066273904580362243'
      Request parameters:
      * `itemId` —  ItemID of your NFT, has format `${blockchain}:${token}:${tokenId}`
          For example, `ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:12345`
      **Example response (status 200)**
         "id": "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:19661880631107248865491477079747186145992059189823053172927066273904580362243",
         "blockchain": "ETHEREUM",
         "collection": "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82",
         "contract": "ETHEREUM:0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82",
         "tokenId": "19661880631107248865491477079747186145992059189823053172927066273904580362243",
         "creators": [
               "account": "ETHEREUM:0x2b783ae5b5b8a7a822449c7d8b6f35f9abc827f5",
               "value": 10000
         "owners": [],
         "royalties": [],
         "lazySupply": "0",
         "pending": [],
         "mintedAt": "2022-03-09T22:48:33Z",
         "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-09T22:50:03.530Z",
         "supply": "1",
         "meta": {
            "name": "gbgbgbgbgbgb",
            "description": "",
            "attributes": [],
            "content": [
                  "@type": "IMAGE",
                  "url": "https://rarible.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQCp8bhbaPwGEuHeeR8pme2q3zuSjam2JEuFgAvp4DZsU/image.jpeg",
                  "representation": "ORIGINAL",
                  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
                  "size": 13311,
                  "width": 640,
                  "height": 640
            "restrictions": []
         "deleted": false,
         "auctions": [],
         "totalStock": "0",
         "sellers": 0
  • Or check Etherscan for Ethereum and Polygon, Flowscan for Flow, or tezblock for Tezos.

See more information about usage Protocol SDK on https://github.com/rarible/sdk