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How can we change USDC.e to USDC

We initially listed the NFTs in USDC.e but have changed them to USDC.
On the /owned screen, all USDC.e values have been updated to USDC.
However, when selecting an NFT from the /owned screen and transitioning to the detailed purchase screen, the display still shows USDC.e.

Dashboard login via email

I have received a API key rotation e-mail notice, but when I try to log to the dashboard only Wallet Connect option is available, and I cannot log in via e-mail, as I used to create the account. Is there something I miss?

How do you find a buyer for NFTs on Rarible?

How do you find a buyer for NFTs on Rarible?

How do I find the floor price of a particular collection/rarity?

e.g. For The Joker by Jaon Fabok from McFarlane Toys Digital? What APIs can I use to find the floor for the exotic rarity? Properites show an Asset ID of YVUBJFSN and token ID of 0x049474b730f15d863e4b87c352fae7d5acc1197f . Thx!

Buy Nft through api, sdk or smart contract

How i buy nft on rarible through api, sdk or smart contact

Filter suspicious items

Hi, im trying to get the NFT items owned by specific address and it turns out there is a lot of spam nft inside marked as not suspicious so we can't track the one who legit.

string baseUri and contractUri

Are they ifs dresses of files and if yes can I see a reference on them. How should I create them what type of file and data structure. Thanks.

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